Web Redesign

Spruce up your site with a stylish new look

Time your site got a little tlc?

Apart from not looking it’s best, a poorly designed site can actually be worse for a business than no site at all.  Especially when the rot is at code level.  

Badly formatted code, lack of SEO (search engine optimisation), and a non-existent sitemap, can all add up to Google and other search engines ignoring you altogether.

When to refurbish

When is it time to think about getting your business’ website redesigned?  Well, take time to ask and answer the below three questions:

When is it time to think about getting your business’ website redesigned?  Well, take time to ask and answer the below three questions:

  1. Does the design look outdated?
  2. Are my conversions/sales decreasing?
  3. Have I received complaints about user experience or design-related issues?

How hibernian can help

If you decide your website could do with a new dose of design and development, we’ll be more than happy to work with you to make it look amazing and, more importantly, ensure it’s optimised to get your business noticed.

Why WordPress?

To discover why you using a CMS such as WordPress for your site may be a choice worth considering, click the button below.

If your site is hand-coded, we can definitely update it and ensure the new code works better than ever.  However this process can often be costly.

Very few websites today are hand-coded from scratch, as content management systems have come a long way in being able to deliver any site for any requirement.

A content management system (CMS) is fancy term for software that takes the heavy lifting out of creating a website, allowing you to focus more on content of your site than the code.

In considering updating your website, you may wish to think about transitioning it to WordPress.  Doing so will prove cheaper in the long run. 

Our Design & Development Process

(Click on each step below)

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